Voice search has been around for a couple of years now, but improvements that are being made with the technology have caused its use to skyrocket.

It is estimated that by the time we reach the year 2020, nearly 30% of all web searches will be done with voice search technology.

Smart speakers and voice assistant technology enable consumers to flawlessly finish a variety of tasks without having doing any typing or screen scrolling.

Because of the rise in popularity amongst voice search gadgets, numerous companies have begun to roll out voice search technology of their own.

This means that SEO strategies will need to be adapted to accommodate.

Optimising for Voice Search

As voice search continues to grow in popularity, search engines will begin to favour websites that are optimised to provide a smooth voice search experience. Here are a couple of starting points.

Write your text in a conversational tone

People use different words and phrases when using voice search than they do when typing phrases into a search engine. Focus on long-tail keywords rather than short, choppy terms.

Adjusting the language that you use in your titles and headlines to be in alignment with what a person may speak when performing a voice search can give you an advantage over competitors who do not take the time to do this.

 Keep your content concise and to the point

Just like with regular SEO, voice search favours websites that break their content up into easy to digest segments.

In addition to this, you may want to create a “featured snippet.” A featured snippet allows business owners to provide a small segment of focused data to be utilised for search purposes.

Creating a featured snippet will increase your chances of ranking in voice search results.

Crescent Technologies provides SEO, Digital Marketing, Website Design, and logo & brochure design services.
