7 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

There’s no question that, in the modern landscape, a big part of your marketing strategy is digital. Consumers and businesses alike are almost always online — and you want to be able to reach them and observe their behavior where they spend the most time.
The Seven Fundamentals for Digital Marketing Success provides you with a simple framework for developing the key elements required for successful B2B online marketing in your business. This helps you to cut a path through a sometimes huge number of new skills and techniques involved in effective digital marketing
A Flexible Website
The 1st fundamental is the need for a reliable and flexible website, which gives you a permission to manage your content effectively in-house. With tools like WordPress available, companies can manage the most sophisticated website with low levels of technical skills related to those required to use Microsoft Word.  This allows any business to publish content on the web with great ease and without the need for external costs and delays.
Regular and Fresh Content
The 2nd fundamental is the need for regular and fresh content.  As we move more and more into a world where our prospective customers have the power to seek us out on the web, we need to leave content for them to find that will lead them to want to know more about our business.  Many businesses are not used to creating content on a continuous basis and we have found the most effective way for a business to generate good quality content is to introduce sometimes simple changes to core processes in the business that result in generating new content.  The content will need to be developed to connect with potential customers who are at different stages of the buying process.  The first fundamental is often not seen as important until a 2nd fundamental is understood and accepted.
Building a Steady Stream of Visitors
The 3rd fundamental is building a steady stream of visitors to view the content wherever you have deployed it.  For example, you may have shot a number of videos that are deployed on YouTube, your strategy being to encourage people who have watched these videos to click through to your website.  You may have developed a series of articles which you add to your website or blog and optimized for specific keywords that you have decided to target.  It is easy to see why this 3rd fundamental is dependent upon the 2nd fundamental being started.
Marketing Automation
The 4th fundamental is to attempt to engage with people who express an interest in what you have to sell by capturing their details and taking them through a multi-step nurturing process that educates them enough so that they understand the benefits and know how to buy from you.  This is best managed in some form of a marketing automation system that can automate some of the follow-up required to improve conversion efficiency.
Developing a Social Face to The Company
5th fundamental is to develop a social face of the company. This might involve participating in one or more of the social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. This might involve participating in one or more of the social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. It could also be achieved by posting videos on YouTube or writing blog posts which draw the attention of a crowd because of the value of what you write to the readers.    The purpose of this fundamental is to encourage people you develop relationships through these channels into some form of the marketing process that increases the chance of them doing business with you.
Implementing Monitoring and Tracking Systems
The 6th major is to get a handle on, realize and use structures that will help you screen and track most of the participation, your customer base have with you and your association. This will in all probability start off with mechanical assemblies, for example, Google Analytics is used as a piece of conjunction with your advancing automation structures.
Well Optimised Conversion Processes
The seventh and last fundamental is in a couple courses about redesigning the strategies in your business to intensify change. The method of managing your relationship with a first time visitor through to them transforming into a customer will routinely require a few genuine vitalities and experience different stages.
