For any business with an online presence, website traffic is important; the more visitors you have, the more opportunities you have to make your brand known, make relationships and ultimately sell your service or product.
This is why a sudden drop in search engine traffic is a terrifying prospect, as it ultimately means business losses and lower revenue. The saddest part is that most of the issues are trivial which can be easily avoided if a little care is taken.
Here are the 5 most common website issues that usually give nightmares to even an expert SEO.

Website Errors
It is not uncommon for a large website to have errors. This can be a result of taking down a page or changing the URL without redirecting it. Make time on a regular basis to do a technical audit of your site to ensure that you are not only catching the errors but fixing them.
Install a free tool like Google Search Console on your website. This will help you monitor broken links, find server errors and receive important notifications on the overall health of your website.
Fewer errors mean a better user experience and potential improvements in your SEO.

Website Loading Time
The loading speed of your website will have a direct impact on the SEO ranking, as it depends on the time a visitor has to wait until your page is completely loaded.
Users are less likely to stay on a website that takes ages to load and Google will certainly penalize your website for being too slow.
Actually, if a site loads fast, chances are better that users will remain on your website as they will experience something positive (of course other elements needs to be considered to offer the best experience possible).
A website designer should always look to preserve index URLs and should also check the 301 redirects that will preserve the rank and visibility of the site. For this, you should definitely hire an SEO expert.

Website Downtime
Your website’s rankings will be affected when your site goes down for a lengthy amount of time. However, if your site drops from Google’s index then the situation is a lot worse, depending on your authority on your site will determine how quickly you re-rank your website.
Your listings would not be deleted for a short downtime, however, if you rely on popular keywords your sites rank might fall depending on how competitive the category you are in is.

Mobile Optimisation
With the increasing usability nowadays, most of the internet traffic comes from mobile devices now.
If your website is not optimized for mobile browsing, then you are likely turning off most of the people who would ever visit your website. When coupled with the penalties that search engines levy upon poorly-optimized sites, it should be clear that mobile optimization is crucial.

Obtaining an SSL
When SSL certificate is successfully installed on your server, the application protocol (also known as HTTP) will change to HTTPs, where the ‘S’ stands for ‘secure’.
But when your website is shifting from HTTP to https, you must ensure to apply redirects and change the settings in Google console. This task, if not done properly your website traffic to the new URL will dip as Google consider the two websites are different ones.

Crescent Technologies provides SEO, Digital Marketing, Website Design, and logo & brochure design services.
