Why Selenium

Selenium being an open source tool, it is supported by a large pool of volunteers of open source developers. Selenium is now one of the most widely used automation testing tool. It is becoming increasingly popular and it is the first choice of testers as well as organizations for automating testing of Web-based applications in both the GUI and functionality. Software is written in a number of languages. One of the challenges faced by automated testers is integrating the automation tools with the development environment. With Selenium bindings for Java, .NET, Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP, Groovy and JavaScript, it is very easy to integrate with the development environment. Being open source software, Selenium allows users to share, extend, and modify the available code. This can save programmers a great deal of time and effort. Selenium has following three modes or generation for executing the test cases and test suites:

  • Record-Playback mode (Selenium IDE)‏:
It is the simplest tool in selenium suite. It is a Firefox add-on that creates test very quickly through its record and playback functionality. The most impressive aspect of using selenium IDE is that the user is not required to possess any prior programming knowledge.
  • Selenium Remote Control (RC) Mode  
RC stand for remote control server. This is the first automated web testing tool that allowed user to use a programming language they prefer. We can write our own programming language to automate our Website. It will support in all browser.
  • Selenium Grid.
Selenium grid is used to run multiple tests simultaneously in different browsers and application. We can run tests against different browsers, operating system, and machines all at the same time.
  •   Selenium WebDriver

    The biggest change in selenium recently has been the inclusion of the WebDriver API.     WebDriver is a web automation  framework that allows you to execute your test against different browsers, not just Firefox(unlike Selenium IDE).It also enables you to use a programming language in creating your test scripts.
