Software Testing: Myths and Facts

There are lots of myths related to Software Testing; some of them are as follows:

Myth:  Manual Testing is a simple set of step-by-step tasks that anyone can run through to check an expected output, and that it’s dying out
Fact: Testing requires many skill sets

Myth: Testing ensures 100% defect free product
Fact: Testing attempts to find as many defects as possible. Identifying all possible defects is impossible.

Myth: Automation is great and is essential to include as part of your testing
Fact: You can use automation, when if you want to be Learn and keep a good focus on quality while working in any type of fast paced development environment, such as Agile or RAD.

Myth: Automated Testing is the bee’s knees and exists as a replacement for Manual Testing (which is simply not true).
 Fact: But the truth is that both the manual and automation testing are very important and necessary.

Myth: Automated testing is more powerful than manual testing
Fact: 100% test automation cannot be done. Manual Testing is also essential.

Myth: Testing is an easy process.
Fact: Testing can be extremely challenging .Testing an application for a possible use case with minimum test cases requires high analytical skills. 
